Chapter 111: If My Fellow Daoist Dies, I Won't Die in Poverty _1

Lin Chen sneered coldly, not answering, and turned to walk towards Zhao Yiheng, who was leaning on a stone.

Luo Zhiruifeng struck with a palm.

Zhao Yiheng's body trembled as if he had been electrocuted, but his eyes suddenly widened, going from confusion to clarity.

"Lin Chen!"

Zhao Yiheng recognized Lin Chen at a glance and instinctively shouted before he came back to his senses, his face grew anxious, and his heart sank upon surveying his surroundings.

His son's wrist was bent in an eerie manner, his face filled with horror. Gao Yong was half-sitting on the ground, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, looking both panicked and terrified, as if he had just seen a ghost.

It's over!

His son had brought back a master from Yutian Sect, but they had still lost to Lin Chen. His father and son were in grave danger tonight.