Chapter 117: Just Because of You? Or Chu Jiaxue? _1

Qian Bueyi took a step forward, blocking Lin Chen's path.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. Please leave."

Lin Chen smiled and said to the shareholders such as Wang Wei, "Having one more buyer is undoubtedly beneficial for the seller. Maybe President Song is willing to offer a higher price."

Wang Wei and others' eyes lit up. Yes, with two buyers bidding against each other, wouldn't that be more beneficial to our group?

"Since President Song is interested, let's have a chat together."

"Old Qian, let's just talk."

Qian Bueyi's face changed slightly. He was also pretending to sell shares. If he forcibly drove away the potential buyer Song Chengyang, wouldn't it be obvious that there was a secret deal between him and Chen Tianfa?

Song Chengyang walked into the room, glanced at the contract on the table, and brazenly picked one up to look at it.