Chapter 120: You Deserve to Crawl on the Ground for Life! _1

Sun Ye was completely panicked.

"Minister, please listen to my explanation..."

Lu Heping stared coldly at Sun Ye: "No need to explain. I appointed you as the Deputy Head of the Inspection Team because I wanted you to be impartial and strict, not to abuse your power and act arrogantly. You don't need to take responsibility anymore. Starting from now, you will be suspended immediately and be subjected to investigation. If your actions involve violations of laws and discipline, you will have to pay the price for your actions!"

It's over!

Sun Ye's heart turned cold, and his limbs became weak; he almost collapsed on the spot.

Sun Ye was not a fool; he knew that he had probably brought about a huge disaster upon himself.

The focus of today was not his arrogant words that happened to be heard by Lu Heping, but that Lu Heping, as a minister, rushed over here in such a hurry to deal with him personally.

The sudden turn of events shocked the surrounding people, including Chu Jiaxue.