Chapter 126: Are You Afraid I'll Eat You? _1

"It's already half past eleven, aren't you sleepy?"

Lin Chen looked at her with a smile, "If I don't go home, what do you have in mind?"

Gu Yuexi asked with a grin, "Will you get in trouble if you don't go home?"

Lin Chen shook his head, "No, but we need to do something. Are you suggesting we sit on the street and catch a breeze?"

Gu Yuexi whispered, "I can't bear to leave you. It's been so many days since I saw you last. Why don't we go to a hotel and chat?"

After Gu Yuexi said this, her face turned red, but she didn't back down.

Lin Chen looked at Gu Yuexi's eyes, filled with shyness and anticipation, how could he not know what she was thinking?

She planned to take him tonight and solidify their relationship as a romantic couple.

Lin Chen reached out to pinch Gu Yuexi's face: "If you want to chat, let's find a place to eat a late-night snack, chat while eating, why bother going to a hotel?"

Gu Yuexi became anxious. Is he just not getting it?