Chapter 129: Bailong Mountain's Lin Chen Comes to Pay His Respects _1

Gu Yuexi widened her eyes, looking at Lin Chen in shock.

Lin Chen was going to kill Tian Ming?

For a moment, Gu Yuexi felt both excited and worried. Her man was so passionate and manly, fearlessly standing up against the Tian family and wanting to kill the perverted Tian Ming without a second thought. But that was the cultivator family, the Tian family!

"Behind Tian Ming is the entire Tian family. If you kill him, you'll be offending the entire family and starting a war with them!"

Lin Chen smiled slightly: "The Tian family members are human too; they also have only one life. If they can play with and take away the lives of others, others can also take away their lives."

Gu Yuexi worriedly said: "I heard that the Tian family has some very powerful masters, the kind that can kill people silently and tracelessly. You are just one person, but they have many people..."