Chapter 132: How Many People in the Tian Family Will Die Tonight? _1

Tian Wanhe had barely taken a step when Lin Chen caught up to him and landed a punch on the back of his neck.


Tian Wanhe's neck made a crisp sound of breaking bones, his head instantly drooped, his body stumbled forward two steps before falling flat on the ground.

Tian Wanhe was dead.

Dozens of people from the Tian Family stared in shock and horror at Tian Wanhe's corpse on the ground.

Apart from Tian Wanshan, Tian Wanhe was the most powerful cultivator among the second generation of the Tian Family, and he was killed by Lin Chen with a single punch.

A chill rose from the bottom of their hearts, everyone's look at Lin Chen was no longer filled with previous contempt and mockery, only endless horror.

How many more would die in the Tian Family tonight?

Tian Wanshan's eyes suddenly turned red.

His brother had been killed by Lin Chen with a single punch!