Chapter 155: If You're Going to Act, Strike to Kill in One Breath! _1

Lei Yue lay in bed and took Lei Chicheng's call.


Lei Chicheng gasped, "Something went wrong. The man with Chu Jiaxue is a master. Within a few seconds, all five of us were ruined. Two died, and he shot my knee to pieces. My leg is probably done for..."

Lei Yue's lazy expression suddenly stiffened, and he sat up straight: "What's the situation now?"

"He guessed our identities. Under duress, I revealed myself too. After finding out you were involved, he took Chu Jiaxue and left. We're on our way to the hospital now."

An incredulous look appeared on Lei Yue's face: "Didn't you have guns? And you're a cultivator – you couldn't deal with just one person?"

Lei Chicheng said angrily, "Whose information said he's 100% a cultivator, and a strong one at that? He kicked me and toppled the brick wall. Is that something an ordinary person can do?"

Lei Yue's heart suddenly sank: "You go to the hospital first. I'll see you later."