Chapter 157: Wow, Who's So Ambitious? _1

Han Family Manor, filled with the sounds of crying.

Han Xinran's face was covered in tears as she held Second Aunt Han Wei, whose mouth was constantly overflowing with blood. Her face was as pale as paper and her eyes dim.

Han family head Han Shizhu was seated on the ground with blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, channeling his energy to recuperate.

He had just seen his sister Han Wei in danger, being struck by Wu Bugui's heavy fist and sent flying. Wu Bugui even wanted to eliminate her completely, so he quickly rushed forward to withstand a punch, suffering a serious internal injury.

The only two remaining Ancestral Masters of the Han family had already joined the battle group, joining forces to fight Wu Bugui, but Wu Bugui still effortlessly fought back.

"Haha, Han family ancestors, with this strength, you're not even as good as that little girl..."

"Give it more effort, or I might not bother playing anymore!"