Chapter 184: He Can't Teach a Disciple Like You _1

Chu Tianyu's face changed.

Gang Qi Body Protection!

How is this possible?

Lin Chen was only in his twenties. How could he have developed Gang Qi Body Protection?

In the entire Chu Family, only three Ancestral Masters had developed Gang Qi. How did Lin Chen do it?

Chu Tianyu was becoming a bit panicked.

For someone so young to cultivate Gang Qi, there were only two possibilities: unparalleled talent or an unparalleled cultivation technique. It was more likely that he possessed both.

Now he had provoked Lin Chen, and it was a deadly feud!

Chen Huai's body flew out, crashing into a pillar lined with marble ceramic tiles in front of the villa hall. The ceramic tiles shattered instantly.

Lin Chen glanced at Chu Tianyu, whose face turned pale, and he took two steps back.

Upon seeing this, Chen Huai hurriedly rushed at Lin Chen again and shouted, "Young Master, you go ahead!"