Chapter 190: You and My Sister? What's Going On? _1


In the Han Family Mansion, Han Wei's screams were endless, making the Han Family members shudder.

"How painful it must be, she's been screaming for days now."

"Han Wei is such a proud person, to be able to scream like this without caring about her face, it must be really painful!"

"I heard that Mr. Lin is helping her break through, if that's true, then Mr. Lin is really amazing."

"But it's not that easy, as far as I know, just today they bought all kinds of valuable medicinal materials and other weird stuff, they've spent at least tens of millions already."

"That's normal, if Han Wei can break through the Gangqi Realm, what does a mere tens of millions matter? From now on, if anyone wants to go against our Han Family, they'll have to think twice."

In a spacious room in the garden, Han Wei was soaking in a barrel, the boiling water constantly invading every pore of her body, making her feel like a pig being depilated.