Chapter 194: Yo-ho, Someone's Come to Cause Trouble _1

Lin Chen joined the Security Department without attracting any attention, as security guards are usually expected to come and go, which is quite normal.

Lin Chen directly gave everyone a pack of good cigarettes, and in the evening, he invited everyone to a dinner at Sanwa Street Food Stall. Then everyone knew that Lin Chen's family was not short of money, and he was just taking a job to please them.

It took Lin Chen only one day to get along well with everyone with his straightforward personality. In two or three days, he had become the most popular person in the Security Department.

"Why do I see quite a few cars taking things out these days, and the paperwork is not in order?"

"It's because of the private business of the company's senior management. I guess they're panicking a bit with the new boss coming in person, and they're preparing to make a final profit before that."

"Private business? If we let it out and something happens, aren't we out of luck?"