Chapter 199: What Do You Think of Me? _1

"It's not about being pessimistic, if pure love were as common as cabbage and big radish on the streets, there wouldn't be so many novels and movies singing the praises of love. People wouldn't long for it as they grow up. It's because it's rare that people yearn for and look forward to it."

Lin Chen's tone was casual, but his words carried deep sigh: "Nowadays, most couples have an AA-style marriage. They live together and go through life smoothly. Perhaps they will grow old together, and after living together for a long time, they become like family. If they encounter any obstacles or hardships, that's when they'll likely go their separate ways."

Chu Jiaxue blinked: "That's quite realistic. What about you? What kind of person do you want to find?"

Lin Chen smiled: "Hard to say."

Chu Jiaxue laughed: "Come on, tell me. I'm really curious."