Chapter 205: Is the Worker Threatening the Boss? _1

"Mr. Lin, this is Leng Ying..."

The next day at noon, as Lin Chen was getting food in the factory's cafeteria, Leng Ying called.

Lin Chen asked with a smile, "How is the old sir now?"

Leng Ying's voice was excited and relaxed: "Recovery is very good, just need to rest for some time and then he can be discharged from the hospital. Mr. Lin, do you have time tonight? I would like to invite Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin for a casual dinner to express my gratitude."

Lin Chen answered cheerfully, "Sure, with meat to eat and wine to drink, I definitely have time."

Leng Ying laughed, "I can tell that Mr. Lin is a man of character, so let's have a good drink tonight and not leave until we're drunk!"

Lin Chen readily agreed, "Okay!"

Leng Ying asked, "Could you give me your address? I'll send someone to pick you up."

Lin Chen replied, "Linhai Pharmaceutical Factory No. 6. My wife and I both work here."