Chapter 207: Blood-Sucking Leeches _1

As soon as Chu Jiaxue finished speaking, the commotion in the crowd instantly intensified.

Ten seconds later, the first person left the crowd.

The second one...

The third one...

Like a breached dam, more and more people left, and the dark and dense crowd visibly scattered.

Xiao Jiancheng and his companions were somewhat flustered.

They did not expect Chu Jiaxue to be so decisive. They originally thought she was young and naive and wanted to bully her a bit.

They were wrong.

Xiao Jiancheng and the others exchanged glances as they whispered among themselves, suppressing the panic in their immediate surroundings.

One minute later, the crowd of hundreds of people had dwindled to only twenty or thirty.

Li Linyuan wasted no time, and with a click, he took photos of all the people who remained.

Chu Jiaxue coldly said, "All of you are dismissed. Go home and wait for further notice."

Xiao Jiancheng sneered, "General Manager Chu, are you not going to leave us any way out?"