Chapter 239: I Absolutely Won't Get Angry! _1


Chu Jiaxue replied with a puzzled expression: "Why would I be angry? Didn't we agree not to interfere in each other's private lives? Miss Zuo is so beautiful and has such a good background. If she catches your eye, it could turn out to be a beautiful thing."

Lin Chen stared into Chu Jiaxue's eyes without speaking.

At first, Chu Jiaxue could meet Lin Chen's gaze, but she couldn't hold on for long.

"What are you looking at me like that for?"

Lin Chen said softly, "I kissed you, and you didn't get angry."

Chu Jiaxue's face instantly reddened, and she lowered her gaze: "Ah, it was just a touch on the cheek, in the West people still have the cheek-kissing custom…"

Seemingly aware that her reasoning was weak and unconvincing, Chu Jiaxue bit her lip and said, "At least we have a marriage certificate and have been together for so long; a little accident and a peck on the cheek is nothing to be angry about."

Lin Chen blinked, "Not angry?"