Chapter 245: Watching So Closely, Is He Your Boyfriend? _1

"Xu Meiling, are you really that desperate? Having a man on your arm isn't enough, you have to look for another one as soon as you walk in the door. Can't a handsome guy satisfy your big appetite?"

Xu Meiling?

Lin Chen turned his head and looked at this gorgeous woman. Is she also from the Xu family?

Xu Meiling is very beautiful, with long legs, big breasts, and an attractive face. She has a seductive temperament, flaming red lips, and big waves, which fits the popular image of a standard bad girl.

If you were to compare Xu Meiling with Zuo Yingying, Zuo Yingying is enchanting, while Xu Meiling is seductive. Zuo Yingying's temperament carries a hint of restraint, while Xu Meiling's temperament is unrestrained and dazzling.

Does this rich family have such good genes, producing one beauty after another?

Xu Meiling didn't get angry. She said with a smile, "I just wanted to see what kind of man could make the usually condescending Zuo Yingying infatuated and unable to resist."