Chapter 272: If He Hadn't Run Fast, They Would've Been Wiped Out Together! _1

"This is my brother, Zuo Lin."

"Brother, this is Lin Chen, my friend."

Zuo Lin was tall and slender with a refined temperament, appearing somewhat like a weak scholar. However, from his every move, Lin Chen could tell that not only was he a cultivator, but he was also a master at it.

Moreover, a cultivator with mediocre talent could not become a family heir.

Cultivation was the foundation of the family!

Zuo Lin smiled and shook hands with Lin Chen, his attitude modest. However, Lin Chen could feel the hidden scrutiny in his eyes.

This scrutiny was not for a stranger's vigilance but for an elder brother's guardedness and wariness towards a close male friend of his sister's.

Lin Chen's expression remained natural as he allowed Zuo Lin to size him up.