Chapter 280: Two Paths? I Choose the Third _1

"The person who's going to pay has arrived?"

Lin Chen walked up to Chu Jiayi, seemingly completely clueless about the situation, and spoke casually, "For such a small matter that could have been settled by a simple bank transfer, is it really necessary to make someone come all this way?"

Chu Jiayi sneered without saying a word, but the way she looked at Lin Chen was as if she was looking at a dead person.

"I am Zhou Jiang. Mr. Chu received a phone call from Miss Chu and asked me to come and deal with this matter," said Zhou Jiang.

Lin Chen stared at Zhou Jiang, "You're not surnamed Chu? You're not from the Chu family?"

Zhou Jiang replied, "I am Mr. Chu's driver and bodyguard."

Lin Chen asked further, "Which Mr. Chu?"

Zhou Jiang answered calmly, "Mr. Chu Songtao."

"Never heard of him. Don't know him."

Lin Chen casually responded and said with a laugh, "So how do you plan on handling this?"

Zhou Jiang smiled, "Let's talk outside."