Chapter 314: Breaking Through? _1

Zhu Zi'an walked towards Lin Chen step by step, not moving quickly but giving off a mountain-like oppressive feeling.

Lin Chen took a deep breath and whispered, "As soon as I make a move, you all run, don't worry about me!"

Chen Bo whispered, "Let's run together. With more people, there's always a chance."

Lin Chen shook his head and quickly said, "It's useless. You can't stop him. I'll handle my own business, you all run, Han Wei, you too!"

Han Wei pursed her lips, not saying anything, but her expression was exceptionally determined.

She wouldn't run.

Her life was saved by Lin Chen. Not only did Lin Chen save her life, but he also saved the entire Han Family, helped her break through the Master Realm. Now, she could at least return this life to Lin Chen.

Xu Lanshan and others exchanged glances, but in the end, they still didn't have the courage to stand in front of Zhu Zi'an.

The power of a Great Grandmaster was unstoppable!