Chapter 342: Are You Married? I'm Interested in Her _1

"Of course Zhu Chong'an wouldn't be with just anyone."

Qin Shaojie laughed and whispered, "Shenyun Sect's young master..."

Zuo Yingying's eyes widened, showing a surprised expression, "Shenyun Sect, one of the Southwest Three Sects?"

Qin Shaojie nodded, "Yes, the local tyrant of the southwestern borderlands, Shenyun Sect."

Zuo Yingying was a bit shocked, her voice lowered, "Does Zhu Family have a connection with Shenyun Sect?"

With envy in his eyes, Qin Shaojie said, "It's said that one of the Zhu Family's women married into the Shenyun Sect, and her husband has become one of Shenyun Sect's Five Great Elders. This woman is now called sister by the head of the Zhu Family."

Zuo Yingying widened her eyes, "That's a pretty solid relationship then."