Chapter 374: Everyone Was Stunned! _1

Wu Wenjing frowned and whispered, "Isn't there any other way?"

Pan Yonghe bitterly smiled, "When it comes to stimulating vitality and saving lives, besides the lost Guanyin Needle, there is only the Huitian Needle. There might be other treatment methods, but I can't think of any at the moment."

Wu Wenjing's face turned quite ugly, "We had invited other doctors to treat Elder Zhang before, and their conclusions were similar. To cure Elder Zhang's illness, we must use the Huitian Needle. I inquired about it, and there are only two people who know the Huitian Needle, one is the previous Old Sect Leader of the Tian Shengzong, Ouyang Qing, and the other is the Strange Doctor Zhong Baili..."

Pan Yonghe's expression was subtle, as these words sounded all too familiar.

Hadn't he said the same thing when he treated Xu Bin before, only to have Lin Chen prove him wrong with actual facts.