Chapter 386: Your Parents Are Still Alive _1

Dusk had deepened.

Gao Zhengqiu lay in bed, already deep in sleep when the faint sound of footsteps suddenly startled him awake, and he opened his eyes.

The footsteps stopped on the balcony at the door leading to the balcony.

"Knock knock knock!"

The sound of light knocking filled the air—soft, yet it felt as if it struck at the very core of Gao Zhengqiu's heart, causing it to clench with each passing moment.

After hesitating for two seconds, Gao Zhengqiu got up, walked to the door, and opened it.

Lin Chen stood at the door, his eyes calmly fixed on Gao Zhengqiu.

Gao Zhengqiu sighed, "Come in and talk."

Lin Chen waited for two seconds, then followed Gao Zhengqiu inside, closing the door behind him as he asked, "Did you know I was coming?"