Chapter 393: The Imprisoned Weirdo _1

"Mr. Lin, please follow me."

After breakfast, Ma Wencai led Lin Chen to a separate room at the back of the manor.

Ma Wencai opened the door but didn't rush to push it, instead, he looked at Lin Chen sideways: "Mr. Lin, I hope you can keep everything you see next confidential and not reveal it to anyone."

Lin Chen smiled slightly: "I only treat patients."

Ma Wencai nodded with satisfaction: "Since it concerns the secrets of the Ma family, the consequences of its disclosure would be severe, so I have to remind you especially. I hope Mr. Lin won't mind."

Lin Chen said with a laugh: "I understand, protecting the privacy of patients is the professional ethics of doctors."

Ma Wencai then pushed open the room door and entered the room. Lin Chen looked around and saw various tools and equipment in the room, which seemed to be a tool room.