Chapter 395: Forever Young, Rejuvenation? _1

When Lin Chen saw Ma Yangpeng again, it was already dusk on the same day.

Ma Yangpeng had cut his hair, taken a bath, and changed into clean clothes. Although he looked a bit emaciated and slightly listless, he was a far cry from the man chained in the basement.

Lin Chen glanced at Ma Wencai standing by Ma Yangpeng's side, his gaze somewhat strange.

Ma Yangpeng was Ma Wencai's father, so Ma Yangpeng should be at least twenty years older than Ma Wencai. But when the two stood together, Ma Wencai, the son, looked more like Ma Yangpeng's father.

Lin Chen couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Ma, how old are you this year?"

Ma Yangpeng smiled and answered, "Eighty-six."

Lin Chen was shocked.