Chapter 402: Sister Lets Little Sister, Little Sister Lets Sister _1

"Lin Chen, Little Gu, come and sit!"

Liu Zhenhao enthusiastically greeted Lin Chen and Gu Yuexi to sit down, then called the waiter to start serving dishes.

There were no other guests in the private room, just the three of them.

Lin Chen raised his glass to congratulate: "Old Liu, congratulations on achieving your wish!"

Liu Zhenhao quickly picked up his glass and clinked it with Lin Chen's: "It's all thanks to your help that the Xu Family loosened up, and you even helped me with cover, allowing me to secure the land smoothly. I really don't know how to thank you."

Lin Chen said with a laugh: "When Chu Tianyu tried to make things difficult for me through you and the project swap, you decisively stood by my side at the cost of giving up your interests. I remember this friendship, so don't be polite with me, Old Liu."