Chapter 407: Looks Like a Swindler No Matter How You Look at It! _1

Lin Chen looked at the kindly and encouraging eyes of the old man, sighed slightly in his heart, and thought, "Indeed, this old sir is truly benevolent."

Mr. Gong of Tian Shengzong had just examined him, but was unable to find the cause of the illness. Even Liu Zhen Hao, who had witnessed Lin Chen's extraordinary medical skills, dared not say that Lin Chen could cure him. Naturally, others would believe in Lin Chen even less.

Mr. Han Yuanli had already implicitly expressed his refusal, but the old man took the initiative to ask for treatment, even actively saying he was afraid of death. This wasn't really out of fear of death, but rather a way to save face for Liu Zhen Hao and Lin Chen.

Perhaps he didn't really believe in his heart that Lin Chen could help, but he was willing to accept Liu Zhen Hao's goodwill and kindly not let Lin Chen feel embarrassed.

Good person!