Chapter 445: I'm Not Dead Yet, The Sky Won't Collapse _1

Wang Family Mansion.

In the huge living room, many people were sitting, but no one spoke. Everyone's faces were solemn, as if facing a formidable opponent, and the air in the living room seemed to have solidified.

They were waiting.

The sound of a car came from outside followed by footsteps. Three people walked in. The one in front was an old man with white hair and eyebrows. His face was ruddy, his eyes were deep and divine, and there seemed to be a faint flicker of brilliance opening and closing between his eyes.

All the people in the room, whether middle-aged men or white-haired old men, stood up in unison and respectfully saluted.

Wang Family Ancestor Wang Lurong.

The oldest, highest-ranking, and most powerful person in the Wang family, and also the "Dinghai Shenzhen" of the Wang family.