Chapter 455: If You Are Bullied, Your Aunt Will Stand Up for You _1

Lin Chen was sitting on the sofa, cuddling Gu Yuexi while watching TV, when the sound of the door lock being unlocked came from the entrance.

Lin Chen turned his head to see his Aunt Feng Yazhen appearing at the door.

"Back already?"

Lin Chen stood up and greeted her with a smile, while secretly feeling puzzled. His aunt had been going out these past few days without telling him why.

Feng Yazhen smiled at Lin Chen but then suddenly her face changed, and she forcefully spat out a mouthful of blood, her body collapsing downwards weakly.

Lin Chen was shocked. He moved like lightning to Feng Yazhen's side, catching her in his arms and closing the room door in one movement.

"Aunt, what's wrong with you?"

Feng Yazhen's face was deathly pale as she gave a bitter smile: "I was too impatient and fell into Wang Fuyuan's trap. I took a palm strike from him…"

"Wang Fuyuan?"

Lin Chen was astonished: "Isn't he an Innate Grandmaster? How did you meet him? Never mind, don't talk for now."