Chapter 477: Winners Stay, Losers Get Lost _1

"Liangchang Mountain..."

Looking at the characters on the archway in front of them, Han Xuemei asked, "Is this the name of the Unknown Land?"

Han Xuehai looked down at the bluestone pavement beneath his feet and said solemnly, "This should be the entrance to the city, and the words on the archway... should be it."

Han Shude sighed, "The name sounds like it should be a paradise in the mountains, but now it has become an underground city, hidden from the sun. I wonder what earth-shattering changes have happened here, and where have the people who lived here gone?"

Everyone stood under the archway, feeling a sense of inexplicable emotion.

"Let's go!"

They followed the bluestone road to the heart of the city and soon saw the neatly arranged houses.

Unlike the sparse houses in the previous village, the houses here were more densely packed.