Chapter 479: The Sixth Person in the Five-Person Team _1

The darkness provided Lin Chen with the best cover.

He lay hidden at the corner of a building, watching Su Erhe arrogantly at the entrance of the pharmacy not far away, remaining silent.

Of course, he would not go out.

He was like a hunter in the darkness, quietly squatting.

Su Erhe roared twice, but no one responded, leaving him furious but helpless.

He knew that the other party might be lurking in the darkness, even observing him, but he just couldn't find them.

"Hu Shan, how's your injury?"

Hu Shan had already gotten up from the ground, looking ashamed, and said, "I'm fine. They didn't hit hard, but my bag was stolen."

Zhou Yuan also had an embarrassed look on his face: "My bag was stolen too."

Su Erhe asked, "Is the enemy really strong?"

Zhou Yuan nodded, "They were very fast, moving silently in the dark. I didn't see anyone at all, and my bag was taken!"