Chapter 494: I'm a Peak Grandmaster, Yet I Was Sent Flying by Someone? _1

As he turned around a mountain peak, Zhao Zongming saw Lin Chen up ahead.

Lin Chen was sitting on a rock, seemingly resting. Zhao Zongming didn't bother hiding anymore and leisurely revealed himself, approaching Lin Chen.

Hearing footsteps, Lin Chen turned his head, looked at Zhao Zongming, and appeared somewhat surprised: "Mr. Zhao, what are you doing here?"

Zhao Zongming laughed and replied straightforwardly: "I have a good relationship with Xi Shan."

Lin Chen suddenly realized: "So you mean, you caught up to help Xi Shan kill me?"

Zhao Zongming's gaze fell on Lin Chen's backpack: "Your harvest this time is not bad, five Five Spirit Pills. They can create five Great Grandmasters, but I heard that they also have great effects on Great Grandmasters themselves. Maybe after using all five Five Spirit Pills, one can directly enter the Innate realm."

Lin Chen asked: "Do you know about the grievances between Xi Shan, Guo Tang, and myself?"