Chapter 498: I Can Kill Him In At Most Three Moves _1

In the wilderness, Xi Shan lowered his head and looked at Zhao Zongsheng's corpse. After staring for a long time, he raised his head and looked at the gully that had been forcibly opened in the woods and the broken tree trunks.

"Did Zhao Zongsheng chase after Lin Chen?"

One of the Five Dragon Sect disciples nearby replied, "Yes, he told us he was going for a walk, but he never returned. We couldn't make contact with him, so we checked the surveillance and found out he had followed Lin Chen out of the camp. Lin Chen even deliberately circled our camp before he left. We suspect it was intentional."

Xi Shan sighed, "Zhao Zongsheng has been fooled."

Xi Shan crouched down to take a closer look, "All the traces of battle left at the scene belong to one person. Zhao Zongsheng used the Blood Burning Technique before his death, but it was still difficult to resist the opponent. He was beaten to death little by little, leaving this trace behind."