Chapter 502: I'll Give You a Chance to Save Her _1

"Xi Shan made a move against you?"

Feng Yazhen frowned: "Guo Tang sent him to kill you?"

Lin Chen nodded: "Yes, but Xi Shan underestimated my strength. If I hadn't run fast, I would have caught him."

Feng Yazhen worriedly said: "If Xi Shan can't defeat you, won't Guo Tang personally make a move next?"

"That's possible."

Lin Chen was also a little worried. After all, Guo Tang's strength was not to be underestimated. Although he was not very old, he was definitely among the strongest in the Innate Grandmaster category.

Feng Yazhen suggested: "Why not leave Xijing first? Staying in Xijing is indeed too dangerous. Wait until you become an Innate Grandmaster and have enough self-protection ability, then we can challenge Guo Tang again."

Lin Chen frowned: "Should I go back to Linhai?"

Feng Yazhen laughed: "You can go anywhere, just don't stay in Xijing. Guo Tang shouldn't go on a plane to hunt you down."