Chapter 506: My Regret, Not Giving Myself to You _1

Lin Chen withdrew his hand, his face looking very unwell.

Feng Yazhen stared at Lin Chen, her face tense.

Lin Chen whispered, "She's temporarily stable, but her condition is very bad."

Feng Yazhen's face changed slightly, and she said with self-blame, "It's my fault. If I could have been just a little bit faster at that time, I would have stopped Xi Shan..."

Although Lin Chen was feeling heavy-hearted, he knew that it was not Feng Yazhen's fault. She must have done her best and run as fast as she could.

"Aunt, don't blame yourself, I'll find a way."

Lin Chen comforted her briefly, then turned to face Xi Shan and asked straightforwardly, "Who was the person who took away my parents before?"

Xi Shan grinned, "I know, but I won't tell you. If you want to know, ask Sect Master Guo Tang. He's even more familiar with this matter than I am. He even met your father alone back then..."