Chapter 508: There are Rules in the Cave Heaven _1

Lin Chen received an address, and Feng Yanzhen leaned in to take a look.

"Cang Mountain... This address seems to be in a village?"

Lin Chen replied, "No matter, let's set off as soon as possible, her condition can't afford to be delayed any longer."

"She can't take an airplane in this situation, can she?"

Lin Chen shook his head, "No, the impact of ascending and descending is too great. You help me find an ambulance with two nurses, and I'll drive there."

Feng Yanzhen nodded, "Alright, I'll arrange it right away, and I'll accompany you."


With the Feng family's influence, arranging such a thing was a small matter. With just one phone call, an ambulance with complete equipment arrived.

Lin Chen carried Gu Yue Xi onto the ambulance, placed her on the bed, provided her with oxygen, and then gave the two nurses some instructions before taking the driver's seat and setting off.