Chapter 521: That's Because They Don't Know the Reversal Needle Technique _1

"Brother Chen, are you a Grandmaster too?"

Zhou Yin followed Lin Chen with respectful demeanor, asking admiringly. After all, in her opinion, Lin Chen was only a few years older than her, but their strength was quite different.

She had just entered the stage of inner qi, while Lin Chen could easily defeat a Grandmaster.

Lin Chen's attitude towards Zhou Yin had improved a lot. He smiled and answered, "Great Grandmaster."

Zhou Yin's eyes widened suddenly, and her gaze became more shocked.

He was actually a Great Grandmaster!

No wonder he could easily defeat He Leng, and no wonder he didn't run after hitting someone, waiting for the opponent to come and trouble him!

However, there was more than one Great Grandmaster in Tiemu Sect, and the Sect Master was a Peak Great Grandmaster!

Zhou Yin was worried in her heart but dared not say more. After all, she had already reminded Lin Chen of this last night, but Lin Chen didn't seem to care.