Chapter 537: Oh dear, I'm getting old and always confusing people _1

Chu Jiaxue!

Feng Yazhen's eyes widened, and it took her a full three seconds to react. She hurriedly walked to the door and opened it, a warm smile on her face.

"It's Jiaxue, come in, I'm Lin Chen's aunt Feng Yazhen..."

Chu Jiaxue smiled slightly: "Auntie, hello."

Feng Yazhen looked at the ethereal and fairy-like Chu Jiaxue and couldn't help but be amazed.

They look too alike!

Their faces are at least 80% or 90% similar, and their height and body shape are almost the same. If it weren't for their distinct temperaments, and knowing that Chu Jiaxue existed, she would have undoubtedly mistaken her identity.

That Lin Chen, confusing feelings with both of these beautiful sisters.

I really don't know if I should praise him or smack him.

"I've heard about you from Lin Chen before, and I'm finally meeting you in person today. You're really beautiful..."

Chu Jiaxue's eyes were somewhat surprised: "Did he mention me?"