Chapter 544: Are You Still Going to Call Someone? I Can Wait _1

Chu Jiaxue completely ignored Liu Xuangang behind her, continuing to rush forward.

Under Liu Xuansong's horrified gaze, Chu Jiaxue's delicate hand landed a palm on his chest.

Liu Xuansong's chest instantly caved in, and his body flew back like a cannonball, crashing through the dining table and then slamming into a wall, his whole body embedded in it.

Chu Jiaxue's body lunged forward, spinning in mid-air, and managed to release a palm strike just before the Gang Qi punch reached her.

The Gang Qi palm print shattered, and Chu Jiaxue's body retreated backward. However, her movements were graceful and unhurried, showing no sign of panic.

Liu Xuangang's punch couldn't stop Chu Jiaxue's attack, and he helplessly watched as Liu Xuansong was killed by her palm. His eyes turned red with anger.


Chu Jiaxue landed, pushing off the wall behind her with her foot and flying directly out, her graceful figure like an immortal. In an instant, she reached Liu Xuangang's face.