Chapter 563: Guo Tang? _1

"Just to see the world a bit."

Feng Yanzhen laughed, "Anyway, you're just sitting at home playing games all day now. Wouldn't it be nice to go out, make some friends, and have a good time? Besides, they took the initiative to call and invite you this time. I guess either Ji Yusheng is interested in you or someone else is. In any case, there's not much to lose by going to have a look."

Lin Chen blinked, "I won't really get killed on the spot, will I?"

Feng Yanzhen stretched out her barefoot from the sofa and kicked Lin Chen, laughing and scolding, "Can't you think of something better? If someone got killed at a meeting, who would dare to attend another one? Ji Yusheng wouldn't allow that face-slapping thing to happen."

Lin Chen chuckled, "Well, then I can rest assured. Alright, let's go have a look. Aunt, are you coming?"