Chapter 579: Young Wives and the Like Are the Most Loving! _1


Got married, huh.

Duan Yong was stunned for a moment. He blinked and quickly found a topic: "Judging by your accent, you don't seem to be a local of Xijing?"

Chu Jiaxue hummed softly and didn't say much. She turned her attention back to her mobile phone screen.

Chu Jiaxue had encountered countless instances of being hit on, and she had become used to it.

Step one, tell others that she has a male companion and that he will arrive soon. Step two, smile and then lower her head, no longer paying attention.

Usually, men who hit on her would back off at this point. If they still won't back down, they were typically wealthy and powerful with bad intentions.

Seeing that Chu Jiaxue was ignoring him, Duan Yong felt a bit embarrassed. Thinking of Han Minghua's passionate gaze just now, the young man didn't want to return disappointed.

This is a great opportunity to get close to Han Minghua!