Chapter 586: Mutated Little Sable? _1

Jiulongzhai, Wuhua Pond.

Lin Chen looked at the colorful pool below and slightly closed his eyes, indeed feeling the dense spiritual energy in the air.

Lin Chen's gaze fell at the end of the pool, where there was a pitch-black mountain cave.

The spiritual place that Zhou Yin found was in that cave. According to Zhou Yin, there should be an underground water vein in the cave, with a deep pool inside. The spiritual energy in the cave was several times denser than outside.

Nightfall, Lin Chen emerged from the nearby mountains and forests like a ghost, and Zhou Yin swooped out from the dark cave like a night owl, landing on the rocks with a light tap and then stood beside Lin Chen.

"Brother Chen!"

Lin Chen hummed, looked at Zhou Yin, and smiled: "Actually, the spiritual energy of each spiritual place is limited. By calling me here, you've lost out."