Chapter 592: If You Don't Give it, We'll Just Take it Ourselves! _1

The people from the Han Family haven't arrived yet, but Feng Yue has, along with the two Feng family ancestors Feng Shanye and Feng Shanping.

Although they were Lin Chen's seniors, he did not have a good impression of them.

In the past, when the Wang Family was causing trouble for Lin Chen, Feng Shanye and Feng Shanping chose to stand by and do nothing. They only made a move because Lin Chen's aunt Feng Yazhen had to take action and kill someone, forcing them to act. Lin Chen would not attribute this favor to them.

Lin Chen's feelings for the Feng family were limited to Feng Yuanhua's branch. Everyone else was like a stranger to him, so he had no closeness or respect for them.

When seeing Lin Chen bring many innate grandmasters to help in the fight, Feng Shanye and Feng Shanping exchanged a glance, both seeing surprise and worry in each other's eyes.