Chapter 595: Why Are All the Freaks Gathering Together? _1

The faces of the Han Family members all turned cold, and their eyes were filled with anger, indifference, and disdain when they looked at Lin Chen.

The Han family had been dominating West Capital for too long. In their eyes, Lin Chen's provocation was simply courting death!

Han Qinglin watched everything indifferently, and after a while, he turned his head to look at Han Qinglei beside him and said, "Qinglei, Chu Jiaxue is slightly stronger, so I'll deal with her. You handle Lin Chen."

Han Qinglei replied with a calm expression, "Should I kill him?"

Han Qinglin's eyes flashed with ruthlessness, "Just cripple him, make it quick, and don't give people something to talk about."


Understanding Han Qinglin's words, Han Qinglei calmly agreed.

Crippling the opponent in battle can be explained as inevitable accidents, but if they continue to attack once the opponent has already lost their combat power, it would not only show dominance but also lack of martial virtue.