Chapter 597: What Kind of Ultimate Skill is So Terrifying? _1

"Zhang Yun, it's your turn for this round."

As the Feng family stared at Feng Yazhen in astonishment, Lin Chen turned his head and instructed the next participant for the second round.

"Just do your best, no need to push yourself too hard."

A touch of gratitude flashed in Zhang Yun's eyes: "Okay, I'll do my best."

Zhang Yun walked to the center of the valley and waited quietly.

After deliberating for a while, the Han Family sent their second-generation disciple, Han Qingsen.

It wasn't the strongest Han Qinglin, nor the next one, Han Qinglei.

The two didn't waste any words and started fighting directly.

This fight was incredibly intense.

Lin Chen watched for a while and shook his head: "I'm guessing she won't make it."