Chapter 607: Immortal Corpse _1

"Have we met before?"

Han Qinglei's words made Lin Chen a little nervous, but he quickly calmed down.

If he had really recognized him, he wouldn't be speaking like this.

Isn't it normal to have a sense of familiarity? After all, Han Qinglei hated Lin Chen to the bone...

"I usually stay in Xin Hai and haven't been out much. We probably haven't met."

Han Qinglei nodded with a smile and said, "I just thought you looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place you. I'm sorry."

Lin Chen trembled inside, thinking 'You must never remember, or else there will be trouble, not to mention ruining my cultivation state.'

Opportunities to cultivate in such a place with rich spiritual energy are rare in the human world.

"It's alright. There are many people in the world who look alike. Sometimes you may have that feeling when seeing a stranger."

False alarm!

In the following days, there were no more hiccups, and Lin Chen's strength steadily increased.