Chapter 612: If You Don't Return the Water-Fire Mirror, I'll Destroy Your Entire Family _1

"Lin Chen?"

Ji Yusheng widened his eyes, staring at Han Yunfeng and Han Qinglei with an incredulous expression: "You're saying that person is Lin Chen?"

Han Qinglei confirmed, "Yes."

Ji Yusheng still didn't believe it: "The Lin Chen who had a conflict with your Han family not long ago?"

Han Qinglei's face turned slightly ugly when their past issue was brought up, but he still firmly replied, "Yes, it's him. He disguised himself, but his figure hasn't changed. I felt that he looked familiar before, and even asked him if he recognized me…"

Ji Yusheng curiously asked, "You didn't recognize him before, so how did you recognize him after he left?"

Han Qinglei awkwardly responded, "It was when someone mentioned Lin Chen, I suddenly realized where that familiar feeling came from. Mr. Ji, I swear with my life, that person is Lin Chen!"

"Who is Lin Chen?"

Zhou Wuyuan asked coldly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Steal my things and you're asking for death!