Chapter 617: Let them shed more blood, so it won't be a loss_1

Feng's family?

Lin Chen's face suddenly changed, and the killing intent in his eyes burst out.

"You kidnapped the Feng family?"

Han Youde hurriedly explained: "It wasn't us from Lingxu Blessed Land who kidnapped them, it was Zhou Wuyuan from Dongyue Taishan Cave Heaven who let the Han family do it. They want to use the Feng family as a threat to make you hand over the Water and Fire Mirror."

Lin Chen asked solemnly: "Who did they kidnap?"

Han Youde replied: "It's your mother's side of the family, everyone below your maternal grandparents. They are now under the supervision of the Han family."

Han family!

The killing intent in Lin Chen's eyes was sharp. It's true that they would walk on a dead-end path, unwilling to give up until death.

"Where are Zhou Wuyuan and the others now?"

"They're waiting for you at the lakeside camp. Miss Qu and Jia Quanhai are also there."

Lin Chen asked coldly: "What about Ji Yusheng?"

"He's there too."