Chapter 625: A Mere Mortal Wants to Fight Us? _1

Lin Chen's gaze fell on the silver hammer, and his eyes were slightly solemn.

When comparing magical treasures, he was ultimately at a disadvantage.

However, he did not panic. The use of any magical treasure required the support of spiritual energy, and the more powerful the magical treasure, the more spiritual energy it needed. Otherwise, even with a magical treasure, it would be difficult to unleash its power.

With a wave of Lin Chen's hand, the Water and Fire Mirror appeared in his hand.

He could not control the Water and Fire Mirror, but he could absorb the vast amount of spiritual energy contained within it. Although the amount of spiritual energy inside had diminished a lot after Lin Chen's promotion, it was still better than the environment in the human world by hundreds of times.

Seeing Lin Chen take out the Water and Fire Mirror, Jia Quanhai sneered, "The Water and Fire Mirror is indeed a treasure, but do you know how to use it?"

Lin Chen said with a laugh, "No."