Chapter 629: A Letter from the Master _1

Nanyue Hengshan, at the foot of the mountain.

Lin Chen, dressed in casual clothes like a tourist, strolled along the mountain road and gradually left the main road to take a small path.

A few hours later, he stopped outside a spacious manor.

This was the place Chen Tongxian had told him, where the gatekeeper of Nanyue Hengshan Cave Sky lived.

Some time had passed since the battle on the lake bank. In this period, after pressing Zhou Wuyuan to complete some basic cultivation, Lin Chen went to Pingjiang, then to Linhai, and finally returned to Xijing.

He met the people he needed to meet and arranged the things he needed to arrange.

Although the Chu family's old man and Gu Hongtao and his wife were reluctant, they were ultimately happy. After all, their child had started on the Path of Cultivation, which is a good thing.

It's like marrying away a daughter. Although they can't see her, as long as they know she's happy, the parents are also happy.