Chapter 642: If I Say You Need to Lie Down for Three Years, Then You Must Lie Down for Three Years _1

A sudden radiance emerged on the surface of the small round shield, then it instantly shattered, and the small round shield was knocked back, hitting Gu Li's chest.


Blood spurted out, and Gu Li's body was sent flying backwards, crashing heavily onto the ground.

Lin Chen's punch had a power beyond imagination.

Liu Qiang and Xiang Qiu stared dumbfoundedly, their faces full of disbelief.

Damn, Gu Li actually lost?

And he lost so cleanly and decisively, with no suspense at all?

From the moment Lin Chen started, his footsteps never stopped. He leisurely walked up to Gu Li and punched him down.

Gu Li, having the strength of Late Foundation Stage and using the Protective Shield, even activated the protective array above it, but still couldn't withstand Lin Chen's punch?

Could it be that Lin Chen had reached the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, or even the Golden Core?

No way, right?